• Iran Craft Week
    June 2021
    Event Program
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Craft Week

Iran Craft Week is an event held every year from 10th to 16th June in one of the major cities of the country. The main idea of the event is to connect the ancient traditions of making and designing handicrafts to modern life. For hundreds of years, Iranian artisans have maintained these traditions while adapting to the rapid global changes.




In this part, we host three artisans from different countries in four sections: wood, metal, glass, and pottery. In each section…

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Craftpreneur's Success Story⁦

This year the Craftpreneurs’ Success Story section is dedicated to handwowen and embroidery crafts: the compelling story of persevering teamwork that ultimately leads to a successful business.

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Craft Stores

Today, we are experiencing new approaches in the craft industry, from the artist’s approach to making works to creating tastes for buyers and the introduction of new technologies.

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This award is given to three social entrepreneurs in a rural district who has managed to develop their community and create jobs for villagers through producing handicrafts. Due to US sanctions imposed on Iran, it is not possible to hold this event internationally.

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This year, entrepreneurs, managers, craftspeople, analysts, and academics from different parts of Iran, Turkey, China, Russia, etc. will speak about the edge of knowledge and skills.

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In this section, one of the Iranian craft specialists will discuss a specific subject with two or more craft experts.

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Our Partners

Tehran | Iran

No 269, Mirdamad Boulevard, Tehran, Iran
Phone : +982126645209
Email: info@craftweek.ir